Bank of Canada to chair the Central Bank Network for Indigenous Inclusion in 2022

The Bank of Canada announced today it has officially begun a one-year term as chair of the Central Bank Network for Indigenous Inclusion (CBNII).

The CBNII was established last year by the Bank of Canada, Te Pūtea Matua (Reserve Bank of New Zealand), the Reserve Bank of Australia and the U.S. Federal Reserve to foster ongoing dialogue and raise awareness of Indigenous economic and financial issues.

The Network also plans a bi-annual Symposium on Indigenous Economies. The first symposium was hosted by the Bank of Canada in November 2021, in partnership with the Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

In 2021, under the leadership of the RBNZ, the Network focused on building awareness of members’ respective economic and Indigenous histories.

“As the Bank of Canada assumes the role of chair, we have an important opportunity to support the growth and evolution of the network, and to deepen both the relations that have been developed and our understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the Indigenous Economy,” said Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri. “We look forward to building upon the sterling work done by Te Pūtea Matua, which served as the Network’s inaugural chair in 2021.”